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Language settings (locale): How to find and install the language packs you need


VS Code detects the operating system's UI language and will prompt you to install the appropriate Language Pack, if available on the Marketplace. Below is an example recommending a Simplified Chinese Language Pack:

Note: This topic explains how to change the display language in the VS Code UI via Language Packs such as French or Chinese. If you want to add programming language support, for example for C++ or Java, refer to the Programming Languages section of the documentation.

Language settings (locale)

Use the Install additional languages... option to install more Language Packs from the Marketplace, or select a different locale from the list. Changing the locale requires a restart of VS Code. You will be prompted to restart when you select a locale.

Note: You must have the appropriate Language Pack installed for the language you specify with the command-line switch. If the matching Language Pack is not installed, VS Code will display English.

Tableau Server is localized into multiple languages. Server language and locale settings impact how this affects users. The Language setting controls user interface(UI) items such as menus and messages. The Locale settingcontrols items in views such as number formatting and currency.

Administrators can configure language and locale on a server-wide basis (see Server Settings (General and Customization), and individual users can configure their own settings (see Your Account Settings(Link opens in a new window)) . If a user configures their own language and locale, their settings override the server settings.

The default language for Tableau Server is determined during Setup.If the host computer is configured for a language Tableau Server supports,Tableau Server installs with that language as its default. If computer is configured for a language that is not supported,Tableau Server installs with English as its default language.

Locale names are typically of the form language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier], where language is an ISO 639 language code, territory is an ISO 3166 country code, and codeset is a character set or encoding identifier like ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8. See setlocale(3).

Once system and user locale.conf files have been created or edited, their new values will take effect for new sessions at login. To have the current environment use the new settings unset LANG and source /etc/profile.d/

KDE Plasma also allows to change the UI's language through the system settings. If the desktop environment is still using the default language after the modification, deleting the file at /.config/plasma-localerc (previously: /.config/ should resolve the issue.

If you set your language in SharePoint and then change it in Microsoft 365, the Microsoft 365 setting will override the SharePoint setting. See Change your display language in Microsoft 365 for more information.

To change your display language in a SharePoint environment, select the Pick a new language down arrow, select a language, and then Add. If you add multiple languages, you can re-order the languages or delete a language as described next for the Advanced Language settings.

If you work in a Microsoft 365 site, you cannot change the display language, and this setting does not apply. Select Edit to continue updating settings on other profile pages, or proceed to other options on this page.

If you add multiple languages, you can use the up and down arrows in My Content and Search box to indicate the order in which these languages should be used. For example, if you want French to be the primary language and English to be used only if French is not available, select the arrows to make sure French has top priority.

Select the Time Zone box, and choose your current time zone from the list. If you cannot edit this setting, try selecting Always use regional settings defined by your administrator, in the next line under Choose your settings. Doing so should make the Time Zone box available, unless your administrator has customized settings to block editing.

A locale is a set of environmental variables that defines the language, country, and character encoding settings (or any other special variant preferences) for your applications and shell session on a Linux system. These environmental variables are used by system libraries and locale-aware applications on the system.

Locale affects things such as the time/date format, the first day of the week, numbers, currency and many other values formatted in accordance with the language or region/country you set on a Linux system.

Different locales (also called regions) have different ways to display data. For example, some regions use a default date format of mm/dd/yyyy, while others use dd/mm/yyyy. The Power Query locale is based on the regional setting of your operating system. For more information see Change the Windows regional settings to modify the appearance of some data types and Change Language & Region General preferences on Mac.

Note There can be up to three locale settings: The operating system, Power Query, or a Change Type setting. If there is a conflict, the order of resolution is (1) the Change Type setting, (2) Power Query, and (3) the operating system.

When you create a new Excel workbook that contains queries, Power Query uses the current operating system locale as the default locale. This setting determines how Power Query interprets data imported from text, numeric, and date and time values. When you send an Excel workbook that contains Power Query queries to a different user, the Power Query locale setting is kept as the locale specified by the author (or last person who saved the document). This ensures consistent Power Query results regardless of your current operating system locale settings.

In addition to the default Locale setting of a workbook, you can specify a non-default locale setting to use when you apply a specific Change Type operation over one or more columns. This is helpful when importing data with different regional settings across multiple queries, yet you want a specific default setting to be consistent for all queries in the workbook.

You can specify the default language, locale, and keyboard values during deployment or after Windows is installed. You can configure international settings by using the International module for Windows PowerShell, by using an answer file with Windows Setup, or by using Deployment Imaging Servicing and Management (DISM).

Control Panel items are gradually being migrated over to the Settings application. Intl.cpl can be used to manage features that exist on the cpl page. However, it's not supported for settings migrated to the new Settings application. For items in Settings Application, use Windows PowerShell cmdlets.

Installing many additional language packs affects disk space and system performance. In particular, disk space and system performance are affected during servicing operations such as adding cumulative update packages. So you should only add a language pack to your computer only if you plan to use the language pack.

Language packs also let multiple users who share a computer select distinct display languages. For example, one user can select to see the dialog boxes, menus, and other text in Japanese, whereas another user can select to see the same content in French.

Corporations that deploy a multilingual edition of Windows typically create an answer file that configures international settings during the WindowsPE configuration pass. For multilingual deployments, language packs can exist in both a distribution share and in the image. You can add and configure Language packs from the distribution share during the WindowsPE configuration pass, or you can add these Language pa cks during the WindowsPE configuration pass and configure the settings in another configuration pass.

The Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE component includes the settings that you can use to modify the language and locale settings during the windowsPE configuration pass. Additionally, you can change the Setup UI language for Windows Setup by specifying values in this component.

OEMs and corporations that deploy a single-language edition of Windows to various regions typically create an answer file for each region and set the locale and keyboard settings in the specialize configuration pass. In this scenario, the language pack is added to the Windows image before international settings are configured.

The Microsoft-Windows-International-Core component includes the settings that you can use to modify the language and locale settings during the specialize and oobeSystem configuration passes.

You can pre-select a language and skip the Windows Welcome language selection UI page for users by specifying language and locale settings in the oobeSystem configuration pass in the Microsoft-Windows-International-Core component. In general, a user can choose between the default Setup language and any additional languages that are installed in the image. The selection of the language will update the other regional settings to the default values that are associated with that language. The user can then individually change the default settings.

Verify that the necessary language packs are available in the image or in a Windows distribution share. For more information about multilingual distribution shares, see Add Multilingual Support to a Windows Distribution.

Configure international settings in the Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE component. For example, if the Spanish language pack is available in the distribution share, you can add es-ES values to the component settings in the windowsPE configuration pass.

Most system locales require a restart. When you configure your locale settings during the windowsPE configuration pass, the computer will automatically restart. Additional restarts are not required. 2ff7e9595c

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